Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 more days

I got home from work last night and dragged Thomas back out into the cold 30 degree weather. I was trying to surprise him with a trip to the little park in Little Elm which is all decorated with Christmas lights, but he figured out where we were going pretty quickly. (I also wanted to play with my new camera that he gave me for Christmas.) We had fun walking around and taking a few pictures but it was freezing so we didn't last long.

Saw this sign, but it didn't deter us!

After our walk through the park, we stopped for tacos at our favorite place and then poked our heads into the pet store. They had three large kittens for adoption, two gray females and one black male named Murphy. They were all sleeping and had no interest in us or going home with us at all! We left empty handed back into the cold.

There's just 2 more days until Christmas. All of our presents are wrapped and our bags are packed to drive to New Boston on Christmas Eve. (We're leaving after I get off of work.) If you've waited until now to do your shopping, shame on you.

Here's what to expect:

*Long lines
*Dirty restrooms
*No more automatic adjusting wrenchs
*Nothing in your size
*Many items from the ad sold out

-Don't call the manager to complain about the long lines. While she's standing there taking your call, she sees 11 people in line, also waiting.
-Don't call the manager to complain about the restroom. She's here listening to you complain which prevents her from ensuring anything will be clean within the new future.
-Don't call the manager to complain about an item being out of stock. Yes, I know it's in the ad. No, I can't make it magically appear before Christmas.
-Don't call the manager to complain about no one answering the phone. There's 11 people in line...waiting...you can wait your turn too.

Bless the one lady yesterday that actually called me over to tell me that she was pleased with the service that she received. Thank you lady, for brightening my day. I needed that.

2 more days....I think I can, I think I can...

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