Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Soccer Game

This past Saturday's game went much better than the last. (When she was cold and cried the whole time.)  I even saw her kick the ball at least two times!  It's cute how there's always a little stud on each team that dominates and scores all the goals.  Although, the stud on our team isn't our girl.  As you can see, towards the end of the game she gets tired....and just kind of hangs out and entertains herself. Heh.

I'm super impressed with T's coaching skills and handling all these 3-4 year olds.  I'm also super proud of him for stepping forward and volunteering to coach!


Mom said...

Maybe she's not the best player but she sure is the cutest. T does a great job coaching.

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute in her orange uniform. I am also very proud of our son T. for coaching. He loves that little girl so much as we do. I have been so proud of you both for having a Daddy time and a Mommy time. She will treasure those times.