Friday, February 13, 2009

toy machine magic

I remember being quite young, maybe 8 or 9, and going to the store with Dad. We were picking up something quick and intended to just run in and out. Dad said, "Don't bother bringing your allowance, you don't need to buy anything today." I didn't listen and instead snuck some coins from my allowance and hid them in my pocket.

When we arrived at the store, I remember telling Dad that I would just wait for him in the lobby area. All of those gumball and toy machines were too great of a temptation for me. I gave in and popped a quarter into one to get my hands on that little plastic ball. After taking the little toy out of the package, I freaked out knowing that I was going to be in trouble for spending my money. I slipped the toy into my pocket to hide and carried just the empty plastic ball.

When Dad finished his shopping, he inquired about where it came from. I lied saying, "I found it." How he knew the truth and that I had actually bought it, I have no idea. When we arrived at home....I was in some big, big trouble...mainly for lying instead of spending a few coins.

Fast forward 30 years, those little gumball and toy machines still catch my eye when I pass by. Whenever Nikki and I are together, I coerce her into popping in those coins too. The stickers were always one of our favorites. Last night, Thomas and I met after work for dinner at Fuddrucker's. After we ate our hamburger dinner, we walked out to leave and what did I see in the lobby? Toy machines! Thomas just laughed and immediately reached into his pocket, holding his hand out for me to pick out those two quarters. I studied all the machines for a few minutes and decided on this one.

Silly teeth!

Hope you have some silly fun this weekend too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to share those teeth!
Aren't you?
