It can't already be time for another monthly just can't. October has flown by so quickly and I'm not ready for this.
I'm not ready for Ladybug to be 20 months old. 20 months!
She was still a baby when the months ended in 'teen. Now she's definitely an inquisitive, let me do it my way, catch me if you can toddler!
20 month notes:
*She's wearing 12 month tops but needs 18 month bottoms...only because her legs are long. Her little shoulders are very narrow though.
*Her feet are a size 3...still tiny. We graduated to size 3 diapers too. I have no idea how much she weighs, we have an appt this week.
*She wants to feed herself. She wants to put her shoes and/or socks on herself. She also tries to put her on her pajamas. She's just not successful at any of the above by herself. It's very fun to watch though.
*Ladybug chatters away. Some of the new words that she has learned this past month are: go, more, thank you, bath, bless you, come in. This is the first month that I haven't actually written them down! We've been trying to teach her "trick or treat" but it's not going too well. She mumbles something, but it's way off.
*She's walking very well now. In fact, she's worn out a pair of shoes already. I didn't think that was ever going to happen. She also loves to try to go down the sidewalk steps by herself and more often than not, she's tumbling down.
*Climbing...she's going to be a little monkey. You'll see a couple of outtakes from our photo session below.
*I can see a few differences from this month to last. Her hair is longer, yay! I think her legs are longer too. You can see last month's photo here.
The love for Bug just keeps growing. She is such a precious gift from God. She is growing so much and enjoys learning. I am so thankful for our granddaughter.
What a great idea to take monthly photos of Ladybug sitting in her little rocking chair. You can really see how much she is growing over the months. What a little cutie Ladybug is!
Ladybug is a small stunt pretty well.
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