Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A good mail day...

I walked outside today to check the mail and noticed two huge boxes on the doorstep. I pulled them inside and even though they were addressed to Thomas, I ripped them open and dug inside. Guess what it was?

One was full of paper towels and the other toilet paper! Jackpot!

Thomas does a lot of food shows all over the southern half of the U.S. He meets other sales reps and we end up with fun and sometimes yummy things when he gets home from a trip. Or like today, we find big boxes in the mail. Oh, and while I'm typing this the Fed-Ex guy just dropped off another box! This one full of disposable cups and bowls.

Right now my kitchen table is full of goodies from his last two food shows. We dumped it all out to drool and sort. I'm going to take some to work and we might save some for Christmas stocking stuffers. Come by and visit us, we'll hook you up with a bag of goodies too!

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