Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

It's been a great weekend. We had a nice all-day girls day out yesterday, Mom, Nikki and I minus Ladybug. T and Granddad kept her at the house while we went and did some shopping and then got haircuts at Blanc. It's so funny how now when we go shopping, we hit every baby department. I looked at the baby clothes at Old Navy for the first time and saw such cute outfits!

Oh, I really was worried about going out for the day and leaving her home. At one point I texted T:

"Is she looking for me?"

"Sorry I don't think so. I was when the squash/pears arrived. :p "

Let it be known that T does whatever it takes to not have to change the poopy diapers! But he did take care of this one and gave her a bath too. Good job T.

When we did finally get home, she was delighted to see me again and I'm almost sure she did miss me...Nanny was holding her and she leaned over with her arms outstretched reaching for me! Yay! That totally made my day!

Coco spent the night last night after girls day and fixed breakfast for everyone this morning. We exchanged Valentines and helped the Grands load up to head back to New Boston. It's been so nice with them here this past week. Dad installed a baby gate at the top of the stairs for me and Mom helped me get caught up on laundry and cook. My kitchen has had more activity this past week than the past entire year! Ha!

I'm sad that my parents have left and T goes back to work tomorrow. I'll be by myself tomorrow with Ladybug and the rest of the week. She's been used to so many faces in the house, so it will be a change for her too.

I promised T that I'd cook dinner every night this week when he gets home from work. Gulp. What was I thinking?

I'll let you know how that actually pans out.



Anonymous said...

Oh I miss you ladybug. You look so cute. Mommy pleae give her a kiss from Nanny.

Texas Howdy said...

I also miss my little angel. She is such a God send to our family. I love the new valentine picture and have it on my desk background at work, but it has created a problem since I tear up everytime I see it from joy and can't do any work because of looking at it! Give her a huge hug and kiss from her Mimi & Papaw!