Ladybug is 18 months today! What a great month we've had!
She finally drank from a straw which seemed like a huge milestone to me. We were shopping in Target one day and I stuck my drink with a straw up to her thinking she'd just chew on it but she actually drank some of my sprite. Imagine my surprise! She's been a big fan of any drinks with straws from that point on. Plus, we're having much better luck with the straw sippy cups.
She can show you her ears, nose and toes. She still knows the eyes too...when you ask to see her pretty eyes, she blinks at you.
Her new words this month are get and hungry. She'll try to reach for something and say get over and over until she gets it. Usually from me handing it to her. She also loves making sounds like the cow and pig!
Ladybug is so observant. She looked at T's shirt one day and said puppy. Well, it was actually a calf but she noticed it! It's hard to hide anything from her. We have a difficult time keeping remotes, phones, and cameras out of her reach. She hears the garage door opener and will squeal with excitement before either Mama or Dada even come in the door.
She still isn't walking yet and I've quit being obsessively worried about it. I mean she could barely hold her head up when we got her at 11 months old! She's always standing around the sofa and her toys and I've seen her stand up in the middle of the floor too. Every now and then she'll let go and take a step or two towards something and it's almost like she dives to it. I get excited every time I see that! Everyone's saying don't rush it, it'll happen and then I won't be able to keep up with her. So I'm going to trust those words of wisdom.
Ladybug's still wearing size 12 months clothes and size 2 shoes. Her little butt is also still in those 2-3 diapers and they are so hard to find! We weighed her in today at a whopping 21 pounds. There's not much difference in her size from this month to last but she has a mouth full of teeth. I counted 11 of them!
Happy 18 months sweet baby girl!
Happy 18 months birthday sweet baby. She just gets prettier each month, and I don't know how because she is the prettiest baby ever. What a joy she brings to our families. Love, Nana
yes, she will walk soon. Probably when you don't have the camera and when you get it, she will sit down. She is such a precios little girl and growing so. She is such a smart girl and has developed so much. That is what so much love will do!!!! Love MIMI
Hey Deana, this is Angie(Harmon) Cain just wanted to tell you that your Little Lady Bug is so cute!! Our Little Granddaughter Holland is 26 months old and still doesn't weigh 20 pounds!!! Little Lady Bug will be walking soon and then you will be in for it!! lol
Your little girl is bubbly and very active.
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Thank you for your sweet comments.
Nanou, you are a kind soul. Thanks for reading my blog.
Hi Angie!
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