Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rock around the Stool Tonight

It almost feels too soon to allow Ladybug to spend the night with the Grands without us. I'm not going to say I haven't worried and shed a few tears, I definitely have done both. But we did it, she spent the night with Nanny and G-dad last night. Nanny called me this morning and the first words out of my mouth were, "What's wrong?!" Nothing was wrong, they just wanted to say good morning. Whew, thank goodness. It was oh so good to hear her little voice and I think I'm going to be just fine.

Meanwhile she's being allowed to do all those things that we typing on the computer keyboard. I did enjoy this little video they sent of her on the piano. The last 3 seconds are quite a delight! Hope you make it that far. Oh, and I have no idea why she's not wearing a shirt.~


Mom said...

Sorry about the no shirt mom. Bug was hot and I just pulled her dress off. She is having so much fun but we are having more fun.

Nama and G-Dad

Nanou Mimosa said...

Adorable! Children know they can do outside of their homes and at home. Marissa is it a future pianist!

Cousin Jean Carol said...

That is just precious! I can tell she's a really smart little cookie. She takes after her cousin, Jean Carol. :) Thanks so much for sharing your happiness.
Love you all!