We have lived in this house for 6 years, actually it might even be 7 years by now. I have had to listen to this extremely loud-rocket firing off-going to take flight dishwasher for all of that time. I'm serious, we usually don't run it until we're going to bed so that we can shut our door and not have to listen to it.
It's been no secret that I have been wanting a new one...a nice, new quiet one at that. I work at Sears so this should be an easy task, right? I have been looking at them for over a year...waiting for a get-the-most-for-my-money dishwasher opportunity. I hadn't found anything until last week when T was working out of town for a few days.
I did all of the leg work and scheduled it for delivery when I was off thinking that I would save a few bucks and not have them install it. How hard could it be?
T found out by accident earlier than planned when he listened to the message about the delivery time. He promptly sent me a text that said, "What is being delivered?" I told him about the great find and how much money I saved him. He knows that I have really been wanting this for a long time so he was on board.
Well, I guess he knew about installing such mechanical beasts and typed back, "Are they installing it?" I sidestepped the question with a, "It's being taken care of."
They drop it off and I'm excited! I get it out of the big brown box without a problem. I get the old dishwasher out of the cabinet without a problem. Wow, I'm on a roll!
Unfortunately, installation marathon came to a screeching halt. The old one plugged in...why couldn't I find a plug on the new one?! At this point I had both dishwashers laying face down on the kitchen floor trying to make heads or tails from all the connections and why they were so different from one unit to the other.
Wow, I'm in big trouble.....
For two days I worked and read the instructions and looked online. I just couldn't figure it out.
Then T came home from his business trip....uh oh.
He wasn't too mad, but he wasn't very happy either. I was supposed to call a plumber the next day but I just couldn't do it something was holding me back. That something turned out to be daddy!
My parents ended up visiting for Halloween and helped us get that dishwasher installed. Talk about saving the day! Whew.
Thanks Dad, you rock!
p.s. The new dishwasher....it's so quiet that you have to hold your head against it to make sure it's actually running!
DADs are HEROes aren't they. You are fortune to have yours. Appreciate him everyday (I know you do!) Mimi
Good for you! Blessings
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